Weekly Innovation Project Reflection 10/16

Lauren Mook
Oct 16, 2020

This week we researched and completed our second blog. We are making very good progress, averaging one blog per week. We also started researching our third blog which will be about the Browns v Cowboys. We are trying to cover the best game of the week or the most eventful game. So far we are making good progress and the work is a even 50/50 split. One regret we have is that we didn’t get the website done. We need to spend more time on the website because that is a very important part of or blogs. A piece of advice I want to give is to not stress out to much about getting the blogs down in a certain number of days because perfection doesn’t happen over night. In the three weeks that we have been doing we have made good progress and we are at a steady pace and we are on tract to have a sucessful blog by the end of the semester.

